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Similar Websites/Inspiration

The Gay Fiction Booklist (Which Doesn't Suck)

This now-dead (but extant) website is a list of queer sf/f books reviewed for quality and level of gay by the webmaster. It's funny, it's real, it led me to several books which became personal favorites. No longer active but still great information.

Marginalia Search

The marginalia search is an experimental search engine that only searches small, non-commercial websites for content. It's great at finding small websites, old websites, and actually fun content.

Ashido Tetrisu

Ashido is Zarla Sheenaza's personal website, established either lates 90s or early Aughts, not sure which. Sheenaza is an Internet Original who has been making absolutely impressive amounts of queer fan content for many decades now. You have likely run across something she had a hand in without knowing. Her stuff is great fun and her diligent work at keeping personal websites and shrines alive is one of the things that convined me to try out making a site. If you look at nothing else, her page of links (line block) contains tons of small website building resouces and inspiration.


Just like Sheenaza, Issendai is an Internet Classic, a website that can legally drink. It looks modern now, but clicking on some of the anime links will take you to various older versions of the website. This one is nostalgic to me, because it's one of the few personal websites I can remember clicking around decades ago and can still find today.

Internet Archive/Wayback Machine

You... already know about the Archive, right? Well, in case you don't, here's the link.

Reading Reccomendations


I've already told you to read Elfquest a million times. But seriously, almost all of Elfquest is free to access online on the original artists' website. It's a very good comic that has been an inspiration to so many. As of 2023 there was a website update that makes it harder to load/read but hopefully they'll fix it soon.

Other Fun Sites


A venerable old dinosaur of the internet, Lililicious is an archive of translated/scanlated yuri manga. I used to say 'it includes a lot of obscure stuff,' but, when Lililicious uploads something, it stops being obscure. The site is pretty much dead now but the archives are good and their links page can ttake you to more hours of yuri fun than you can even get through.

Anime Video Archive

The generically-named Anime Video Archive is actually a cool little archive of lesser-known retro anime movies/OVAs/series (90s and before) that either didn't exist on the internet before or only existed in poor quality fragments. A fantastic preservation effort and has some real good watches too.
